M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering (DL) Curriculum
A variety of exciting course options are available to you–all online.
Any of our distance learning (DL) courses can be used to create a personal program of courses to match your goals. This includes our courses offered in the Spacecraft Engineering DL program.
General Engineering Courses
These courses span the range of mechanical engineering focus areas.
- Intermediate Dynamics
- Dimensional Tolerancing in Mechanical Design
- Engineering Vibrations
- Automotive Engineering
- Innovative Product Design
- Additive Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Processes
- Mechanics of Composite Structures
- Advanced Product Design
- Polymer Mechanics
- Human-Robot Interaction: Algorithms and Experiments
- Finite Element Analysis for MAE Design
- Intermediate Dynamics
- Intermediate Fluid Dynamics with CFD
- Advanced Applications of Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computational Combustion
Professional Development Courses
- Project Management
- Sys Eng and Six Sigma for the Des and Op of Reliable Systems
- Entrepreneurship for Scientists and Engineers
- Theory and Practice of Systems Architecture
- Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
- Human-Robot Interactions:Algorithms and Experiments
- Feedback Controls
- Robot Perception
- Model Based Estimation